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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  December 26, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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crime? how many shoppers flocked to the malls today? the news in 30 seconds. cut. cut! [ monica ] i thought we'd be on location for 3 days -- it's been 3 weeks. so i had to pick up some more things. good thing i've got the citi simplicity card. i don't get hit with a fee if i'm late with a payment... which is good because on this job, no! bigger! [ monica ] i may not be home for a while. [ male announcer ] the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. right now at 11:00, a dangerous situation in the bay area. lingering smoke causes qunhealt conditions. good evening, everyone, thank you for joining us. raj ande1 jessica havefá the ni off. if you were 3ñ!5 you probablyt( noticed it. smog and bitter coldt(e1 temperatures and dry weather and
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burning fires arefáçó making fo very unhealth i air quality.c this is compared to allqtfz!stf winter. team coverage and we have a look air, but live in pleasanton with the impact. >> worry more alert, air quality officials sayc they are issuing more violations. 300 this month alone. the hardware store+] like the ones behind me are seeing ajf decrease in sales by as much as 85% compared to last year.fác >> the opportunity to join the family. >>t( despite the lingering blant -- yard for an hour. >> roberts admits in the holiday season, he can't resist the burning fireplace. >> for you kids wantñr to doçó s'mores, i'm aok ñisucker.
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we will probably go out. >> ifáqçó see the smoke billowin and itxdt( frustrates t(me.t( >> she wouldn't think of burniná wood. she suffers from respiratory issues. compare that to only four the entiree1 wip4#r alert seasoé >> i feel it and i stay in the hr(t&háhp &hc >> she can't seem to get it. >>xd i don't appreciate when th go against the law. it is definitely a health hazard for me. >>nof we have stuff. >> worry so many spare the air ìáh& storeslp like true value hardwa are almosti] nonexistent. >> the logs and the salesi] are high number ofe1 no burn days w had. >>t( we are currently having an inversion layersçó packed in th pa. >> the smoke especially over the
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holiday weekend was so fáokunhed it rivalled conditions after 2008's major i]wildfires. the reaso we are experiencing one of the qt( decembers in years. >> for we get wind and rain, that helps to dispurse it any carry it up and out. that's what we are hopeful for. >> because air quality officials thought the wind would blow out the pollution and recommended a no burn, but the wind did not pick up and there could be a sparet( the air alert issuedñi ) this week. nbc bay area news. >> forxd more on the unhealth i air, letñi] check in with rob. fact in terms of sáñ pollution, we are seeing worsel conditions than we had earlier this summer when we had the wildfires and the talk of a temperature inversion.
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with the mountains surrounding the bay area acting like a basin or a bowl, when we get the warmerxd air on top of the cold particles underneath. instead of the particlesxd bein mixed at different elevation, all that wasfá gets concentrate at groundñi level and it's like smoking a cigarette withoutñiñr ñ the lack of wind. that's the reason whyt( it's voluntary noñiwhcurn night withe air quality around the bay area. a quarter mile. morning commute and a pattern change that may bring vp6=1/- n terms of air quality and rain back to the forecast. back to that coming your way. >> thanks so much, rob. new at 11:00, do you tweet socially orñr professionally? if it'sñilp for work, does your
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employer own your followers? that's the question in court with a writer and his twitter account. live in san francisco with more on the case and the qfar-reachi( effects.a5t( jean?e1 >> a company called phoneñi dog.comjf claimed a former employeei] owes them qok$300,00 a lot of people are tweeting about this. >> tweeting about the warriors last night.ñiçó i was watching the game. >>w3 noah uses social media for ñwork. the oakland writer posted his phone dog review in october of last year. >> you can follow me online on twitter. titáer handle is just name. noahi] kravitzñr andmy follow . whenw decide what i'm up to next, i willlpfái] let you know. of course continue to follow
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with phone dog. >> it was a friendly parting. >> i had an e-mail account with is. you keep it. >> lawsuits were fil and that twitter account came up again. tk(ép#ter the back pay.uit to g they filed this lawsuitt( about twitter. >> phone dog filed a lawsuit in federal court, claiming kravitz stole a customer list when he switched his handle. his 17,000 followers are each worth $2.50qñiñr per month. the company isi] afterfá eight months of use for a total of $340,000.+ qu that all the users have access to that list.çóe1 >> you can clickt( a link to sh every one of the people who is following ñime. it's all in the public. >> the judge will make the final decisiontf addressingrwñ quest about who owns professional
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social media. suggests asking the boss to develop policy. >> very the conversation and (awork. >> back from them, experts i talked to tonight say the company will have to prove that they tried to protect that list on twitter toé@ win this case court. reporting live in san franciscoi >> i'm sure weñr will hear a lo on thew3 twitter sphere. a step to warn customers about the credit cardt(fá skimmingcyñ. theyok took out full page ads i several e1nirps urging customer to check bank accounts. this is after it was discovered that some were rigged withjf credit card skimmers in twof bay area stores. customerswkiz used the line between october and november 23rd may have been victimized.
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quickly enough.fáok >> so that ilpçó should have be notified a lot sooner because if this happened in october and november, why wast( it until december that i was notified. >>fá the cardok skimmingfá oper is under investigation tonight skimmers could have been installed in the ñ?tores. in addition to the ads, lucky reached out for the website and a toll-free number to call for advicee1 on identity theft. search zv lucky'st(i] credit card scam. manyt( had the day off toda and spent it shopping. it's mega monday. the shopper track estimated retrail traffic is up about 60% compared to the day afterq christmas last year. an ibmi] survey showedi]fá a 10 uptick in onlinet(w3 shopping. scottok budman bravedxd thefá mo see how people are stimulatin5oo the economy.t( >> for allison andñrñi jessica
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day.xd money in their pockets thanks to gift cards and deep discounts at >> i got a lot of gift cards and °.ñi 9m5 mainly. lot of the winter stuff goes on sale here and i take it back up and it works perfect. >> no mall foo teague and long lines with people willing to head back to the stores for ñfáñi home a.  yes, yes. >> old navy store manager said the lure of xdt(75% off is brin customers in.q >> we havei] adult denim at $15 today and tomorrow and ñrkid's after the holidays. >> it's so much nicer. >> it's so much nicer. áhis is.
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we really enjoyq it right now. >> giviny@tqáail stores another shot in the arm. >> this is great. 75%, 50%.t( is that helping the economy? hopefully it is. >> call it the holiday shopping epilog. a chance itxdçó get bigt( deals another chance to2svimulate the economy. good newsçó for the economy and even those who come for the discounts usually end upt( spending on othert( items as we and putting more cashx'to theñr system. in red road city, nbc bay area news. >> in the biggest cq(x1ñ the choice betweenqok paper and plac ends when the new year begins.çc beginning january 1st, shoppers have to buy or bringxd a reusab bag at more than 5,000 grocery and retail ñrlocations. if you don't bring yourxdw3 own, recycled bags will be sold for 10 cents e1apiece.
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it's the ban on the approval of one of the toughest bans in california.( ok no oversight, no regulations and ju)jt center,jf i needed ac local business license. >> it's no secret. ma are turning tot( tutors. are they helpingñi students mak the grade. a pain killer panic. the powerfulmktu drug and the new concerns over ñ5(addiction. are they making it work?çó why maria shriver could be taking arnold schwarzenegger back. . chilly night around the bay area. degrees. thet( warriors play well earlie this evening. 30s inland and wew3 aream5ájjt patchy fog and frost for your tuesday morning drive. changesws back. ♪
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okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours?
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>> pot clubs in thelp bay area y be adjusting to a crackz7 down medical marijuana. mobile medical marijuana is becoming more popular.xd anñi alternative to the brick a mortar clubs that facet( closur. instead of selling from a storefront, they aret( deliveri to a user's fr$ door. táájt)páion told us mobilet(c clubs are nea impossible to regulate. they could attract more violence where deliveries are made. where deliveries are3= a rotten. a fishy scam that began on christmas day is targeting apple customers and credit card information.
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security software company said a bogus link asked customers to update the information. the unsecure, but realistic sigd in page will ask for the password and credit card information.  asks for your credit card information.fáfá arket. drug companies are testing a new pain kill they're tests levelsf of the aqok ticketive druglp hydrocodone like vicodin. if users could crush the pills to reachlp intense and immediat four companies have begun patient testing.çó tutoring say fáçómultibillion dr parents shell out toçó give the academic edg7 but the industry is not regulated by the government. nbc bay area'sjf vickic nguyen
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makes sure you get what youw3t( paying for. >> freeok algebrañr stumps a lo seventh graders. fractions and exponents. with the help of ai] tutor. he ho3j9e1 getting math help jfgrade.lp hopesño-thefá extra education will pay offfá when is time for college. >>çó getting into schools is so competitive now. any of the good schools thaw top the give your child every tool that you possibly canfá to make that happen. >> it's that desire for a better grade, higher test scores and superior schools that is fueling ai] tutoring boom. thousands of learning centers across the country offer a  up to $250 ane1 hour forlp them. supplemental education is a to seven billion qindustry,lp twic
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was it was a decade xdçóago. as big as it'sqgetting, &h% privatec tutoring sector remainp ungoverned and no state oáíuáruxd exists. >> we believe that the industry needs regulation because there 10 million plus people whoñi ha hung up añi shingle in the last five to eighte1fá years and not should bz tutoring. >> that'slp the at this time of ju)jt association speakingitousxdlp v skype from florida. shouldfá undergo a background check beforefá they are allowedo work with children. >> forçó goes to the power. >> the veteran tutor didn't have to do either beforejf she start pine conet( learning center in ó gatos. téq' i was añrxd substitute, i through threet( weeks of red ta
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to be certified to do that and opening up the center here, i needed a local business license. >> large chains say they train and certify their franchisees. more companies are seeking accreditationfá to say they hav been vetted. you aren't alwaysñi getting wha you pay for. >> to me it's scary.xd >> yaz minl)uáq" to workw3 f)2z franchise and said theylpok off a guarantee and said they would get extra hours of instruction for free if they didn't improve. so thec company wouldn't have t provide the free instruction.t(ñ >> i decided to quit the job because it wasn't honest. >> parents are more vocal about bad experiences. the better business bureau reports complaints that have jumped 55% in the past threeñi
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years. i asked themñi to do their and askçó for references and chk  the grade and make sure it's the place your childx feels çócomfortable. especially when he isñr tahjjt something thisñrñr tricky.xd >> early in the show we have been talking about the poor air let's check in with rob. >> we're have been watching the temperatures and highsi] in -y( low 50t(s. 30s and 40s outside and weq wil concord and maybeçó ñilivermore. if you look closely, santa rosa is 45 degrees andñi a bitw3 mor mild with marine air that is spilling inland. for mostym places like san jos 48 degrees and notçó all that b. we have a b&c(b"t os( clouds.
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they stir upi] the air andçó mit 1ejtiçó smoke ko pollution. it will be awo# foggy start wit t skies and high clouds for the afternoon.çó filtered sunshine late in the day with partly cloudyñr skies. cool day tomorrow and after this ìáhp &hc& tomorrow night and into wednesday morning, possibly fote the north bay, we could see a chance of a few showers. so far thisçó month really has been dry. we shouldçó see two to five incs of rain around the bay area by the end of the month. only find two other years going back to 1850. ack to 1850. showers to the north of interstate 80. the jet streami] will start to p furthers7 southp, as we get i
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tomodlz]et wednesday. little bit of a better chance thursday into friday. you can see how areas north of the golden gate may see a few showers. high pr]r$ure tries tolp v
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56 int( san jose and 55 around/á francisco. county northward and friday night we could seeq showers. new year's eve forlp now looks y and no dents in that december rainfall deficit we just saw. >> the week is going to be over. >> four days to go. thanks so much. arnold schwarzeneggerok and mart driver is back?ñi the signs a divorce could be a thing of the past.
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hr(t&háhp &hc they may be rekindling their has been. tmz said she ises.ñ having seco thoughts citing her catholic faith and sweet gestures as re( reconsideration. they frown upon divorce and a source told the daily news the two have been spending time
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together, including christmas. shriver filed for divorce in july following revelations schwarzenegger had ang with their house keeper and fathered her nowi] teenage xdsor we have açadjf lotlp to talk abh sports, hockey, football andñi basketball. 59ñxd >> you were on a roll.r maybe you should doxd /h'rts tonight. >> i will let you handle that. >>qk here we go. after a loss in the opener on christmas night, the warriors welcome the dangerous chicagoóo bulls to oracle arena tonight. reason to celebrate that and more. ahead in sports. [ male announcer ] it's a rule of nature.
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you don't decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pick vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant fantastic!
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pro-gresso ] they fit! okay-y... okay??? i've been eating progresso and now my favorite old okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪ nbclp bay area. mark jacksonc celebrated
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he led hisq lawyers in search o the very firsté@ nbai] win as d coach. theq bulls and warriors and it in fact fourth quar2%>1ñ warrios up by 15.+ you can do itokñi all.ñixdr flushfá and then at( scaryxd mon the fast break.t(!r' cf1 o oh, no. say it's not so.fát(konbe1 step on his foot and reinjuries +eip r(t&háhp &hc he will be helped off andvr did not return. 21 points andw3@ csists and the warriors would respond. don't mess with him. she a go tot( guy.ko 26 points for him and warriors win, 99-91. play, butxd he had done his job
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and did it extremely well. >> fáfrustrated, but i had this last year so for me i'm trying to figure it out andlp get stronger. figured itc out. >> over tot( hockey and sharks d duce3j%9 honor of boxing he goes down with george and his 135th career fight. nhl fight. ied at two. andrew shoots andxd deflects of jason's stick forok the go ahea goal. can't put in thef yrebound.lp makes a great save with 36 saves. it's 3-2.i] new orleans loss secure the 49ers first round by and drew brees was not having it.
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not going to let it happen at a>lh he throws the thomas with the @-the breesok with the nine-yar. the newfá single season passingd record. get this, previouslyjf set by d marino and over 1500. sharks win 45-16 is your final. that will do it for sports.w3xdp let's do it all over again tomorrow. action in eth bay area. back in a moment.t( mo
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>> the day after christmas meanr shopping for manyxd folks, but others it means decorating.jf the carpenters hand over the floats to the decorators.e1 they are poundinglp and gluing seeds and plant materials on to the floats. for others it'sjf an annual
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tradition. monday hereçó starting at 8:00 a.m. the final check of the forecast >> just like we had, low clouds fog and a chance of showers north of the golden gate into wednesday night and thursday morning. news that it will be dryçó on n year's eve. thanks so much and have a good night. jay leno@hn next. see you tomorrow. [ mom ] hey guys.
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guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy. [ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents?
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>> announcer: it's "the tonight show


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